
A driver for the ST LPS35HW water resistant MEMS pressure sensor

  • Author(s): Bryan Siepert

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:
class adafruit_lps35hw.DataRate

Options for data_rate

DataRate Time
DataRate.ONE_SHOT One shot mode
DataRate.RATE_1_HZ 1 hz
DataRate.RATE_10_HZ 10 hz (Default)
DataRate.RATE_25_HZ 25 hz
DataRate.RATE_50_HZ 50 hz
DataRate.RATE_75_HZ 75 hz
class adafruit_lps35hw.LPS35HW(i2c_bus, address=93)

Driver for the ST LPS35HW MEMS pressure sensor

  • i2c_bus (I2C) – The I2C bus the LPS35HW is connected to.
  • address (int) – The I2C device address for the sensor. Default is 0x5d but will accept 0x5c when the SDO pin is connected to Ground.

Quickstart: Importing and using the LPS35HW

Here is an example of using the LPS35HW class. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

import board
import adafruit_lps35hw

Once this is done you can define your board.I2C object and define your sensor object

i2c = board.I2C()   # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
lps = adafruit_lps35hw.LPS35HW(i2c)

Now you have access to the temperature and pressure attributes. Temperature is in Celsius and Pressure is in hPa.

temperature = lps.temperature
pressure = lps.pressure
The rate at which the sensor measures pressure and temperature.
data_rate should be set to one of the values of adafruit_lps35hw.DataRate().


Setting data_rate to DataRate.ONE_SHOT places the sensor into a low-power shutdown mode where measurements to update pressure and temperature are only taken when take_measurement() is called.


Set to True or False to enable or disable the high pressure threshold


Returns True if the pressure high threshold has been exceeded. Must be enabled by setting high_threshold_enabled to True and setting a pressure_threshold.


True if the low pass filter is enabled. Setting to True will reduce the sensor bandwidth from \(data_rate/2\) to \(data_rate/9\), filtering out high-frequency noise.


Set to True or False to enable or disable the low pressure threshold.


The low pressure threshold only works in relative mode


Returns True if the pressure low threshold has been exceeded. Must be enabled by setting high_threshold_enabled to True and setting a pressure_threshold.


The current pressure measurement in hPa


The high pressure threshold. Use high_threshold_enabled or high_threshold_enabled to use it


Reset the sensor, restoring all configuration registers to their defaults


Reset pressure to be reported as the measured absolute value


Update the value of pressure and temperature by taking a single measurement. Only meaningful if data_rate is set to ONE_SHOT


The current temperature measurement in degrees Celsius


Set the current pressure as zero and report the pressure relative to it